Indication: They must
activate Java Script!
60s, 70s and more ...
You can listen to all your favorites from the 60s, 70s & more
including those forgotten 45's and one-hit-wonders you just don't hear
Flashback Oldie FM is on 24 hours a Day, 7 Days a Week. Flashback to
the music of different years..
"Classic Rock or Oldies Formats have been described as Having the
Weakness of not playing New Artists. This is true in a creative sense,
but not a Commercial One. Conventional Wisdom in the Radio Industry
States that Stations will not get good Ratings or Revenue if they
Frequently Play Songs unfamiliar to their Audience. This is why "Top
40" Stations played only the biggest hits and why Oldies and Classic
Rock Formats do the same for the eras they cover." ©
"That Thing with Rich Appel"
Weekly three-hour celebration of
that radio, highlighting those jingles, commercials and all the hits
(from the rock ’n roll 50s through the rockin' 80s). Tune in to
"Rich Appel" every Saturday between 8-11 PM CET (2-5 PM EST)
"That Thing with Rich Appel" is an flashback to the best music.
Hear great classic oldies and some of those that you may have forgotten.
"That Thing" can now be heard at the following times on 'Flashback
Oldie FM':
Every Saturday - 8:00 PM CET (2:00 PM EST) (the newest broadcast).
Dan Sweeney's One Hit Wonders

Dan Sweeney's One Hit Wonders is one of the weekly radio show that showcases the forgotten "one and done" USA Top 40 Hits! A One Hit Wonder is a combination of artist and song that makes it big in the Billboard Top 40 once, but never repeats the achievement again. You'll hear the unique stories for over 2200 one hit wonders artists and songs including "where are they now" updates. Along with trivia, one hit wonder interviews, jingles, and movie and pop culture news from the showcased years, Dan Sweeney's One Hit Wonders has become the "fun" place to remember those forgotten hits.
This Show can now be heard at the following times on 'Flashback Oldie FM':
Every Thursday - 7:00 PM CET (1:00 PM EST) (the newest broadcast). Replay: Sunday - 8:00 PM CET (2:00 PM EST)
Music Expert Retro Countdown

The show, hosted by Jeff Michaels, is a weekly, 4 hour journey through a week in time. We pick a date close to the broadcast date and countdown the entire top 40.
Every week during the Music Expert Retro Countdown, Jeff will count down the top 40 songs of that week from a year from the 60s, 70s or 80s.
This Show can now be heard at the following times on 'Flashback Oldie FM':
Every Friday - 10:00 PM CET (4:00 PM EST) (the newest broadcast). Replay: Sunday - 2:00 PM CET (8:00 AM EST)
The Iceman's 150 Show

150 - It's what you get when you put the music and nostalgia from the greatest decades in music together, the 70's and 80's! The globally syndicated radio personality, plays the music that brings back the best memories plus his crazy off the wall antics and The Iceman always up to his crazy antics as usual. "The Iceman" has been compared to the modern day Wolfman Jack by the contemporaries of the Wolfman, and also the radio industry. You will definitely hear music that will bring back great memories.
Hear your favorite artists telling the story behind their biggest hits. The Movie Theme of the week, The Iceman throws out his weekly zany question to the listeners and plays their responses, The TV Theme of the week, The number one hits to the one hit wonders with everything in between plus lots more! Hosted by the last man standing in the world of throwback radio personalities.
"The Iceman's 150 Show" can now be heard at the following times on 'Flashback
Oldie FM':
Every Friday - 6:00 PM CET (the newest broadcast). Replay: Wednesday: 6:00 - 8:00 PM CET
Saving the 70s - In Memory Of Mike Walker
"Saving the 70s"
specializes in songs that traditional radio forgot, but you never will!
And it's not just the music that'll keep you coming back... "Saving the
70s" is loaded with sound-bites from 70s TV, Movies, News Events,
Commercials and more, presented at breakneck speed, as he races down
the hall from the restroom before "American Pie" runs out!
In the spirit of Mike Walker:
In the next years we will broadcast ALL shows of 'Saving the 70s'
on 'Flashback Oldie FM'.
A Tribute to Mike Walker is the Weekly Presentation of his Show on 5 Dates.
"Saving the 70s - In Memory Of Mike Walker" can now be heard at the following times on 'Flashback
Oldie FM': Wednesday - 20:00 CET | Friday - 21:00 CET | Saturday - 23:00 CET | Sunday - 18:00 CET | Sunday - 19:00 CET | E-Mail: savingtheseventies@aol.com
The Best Tunes Of All Times
Bart Shore's Time
Warp Radio
Chicago’s Bart Shore has been in radio for over four decades and his
Time Warp Radio Show takes you back to the style of the progressive FM
days when FM became more and more popular in the early 70's.
With great music, lost tracks and information. You can hear The Time
Warp Radio Show every Sunday here on this station.
Taking You Back
with Kurt David
Join Kurt David as he Takin' Ya Back to the Sixties and Seventies. Each
hourly program specializes on a decade and the whole hour is linked by
a common theme. Hear great classic oldies and some of those that you
may have forgotten.
Flashback Oldie FM - Special Shows ...
Tribute To Casey Casem's - American Top 40
We're broadcasting some specials from the Casey Kasem Shows.
At irregular intervals every Tuesday on 'Flashback Oldie FM'.
American Top 40 (commonly abbreviated to AT40) is an internationally syndicated, independent song countdown radio program created by Casey Kasem.
Co-creator Casey Kasem hosted the original AT40 from its inauguration on July 4, 1970 until August 6, 1988.
The Year Shows - with Duncan Newell
A series of special annual shows are summarized here in one show (3 hours each). From 1960 to 1980 there are shows from a British point of view - with Duncan Newell from '6 Towns Radio'.
Furthermore there are "Specials" for 'Remember Radio Luxembourg' and occasionally for 'Wolfman Jack'.
Now discover our fantastic 'Special Shows' on 'Flashback Oldie FM'.
Program Schedule
Person responsible of the on-line offer:
(Verantwortlicher des Onlineangebotes)
Mario Salzmann
Waltershäuser Str. 66
D-99867 Gotha
Tel: +49 3621 369514
Fax: +49 3212 100 7977
E-Mail: info @ flashback-oldie . fm
Copyright and Credits
Images of artwork are copyrighted by "fotalia.com", "Blue Revolution
Ltd.", "Bart Shore", "Angelheart Media Services" and "Kurt David", "The
Production Room - Mike Walker", "Rich Appel" and "Web.Service.zsn24.de"
Design by S.I.S.Papenburg (www.on-mouseover.de)
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